GAFA AURA | 广州美术学院2024毕业季光影秀璀璨盛放!

66日晚,广州美术学院2024毕业季“GAFA AURA”光影秀在大学城校区体育场璀璨盛放,开启了一场艺术与科技融合、视觉与思想交汇的非凡视觉之旅。学校领导、社会各界嘉宾、跨媒体艺术学院师生和2024届毕业生们参加了活动。

On the evening of June 6, the "GAFA AURA" light show of the 2024 graduation season of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts was held in the stadium of the University Town Campus, staging an extraordinary visual journey of the integration of art and technology, as well as vision and thought. School leaders, guests from all walks of life, teachers and students of the School of Transmedia, and graduates of the class of 2024 attended the event.

广州美术学院院长范勃在致辞中表示,学校高度重视戏剧影视艺术人才培养,聘请了众多国内外专家教授,构建一体化教学模式,为学生创造了良好的艺术实践环境。学校坚持艺术创新之路,发挥艺科融合优势,为文旅演艺行业输送了大批创意创新人才,助力行业高质量发展。此次“GAFA AURA”光影秀正是广美学子在艺科融合创新中的优秀结晶,展现了扎实功底、精湛技艺和创新精神,也是广美应对新时代挑战、培养高水平复合型人才的成果展示。

In his speech, Fan Bo, president of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, said that the school attaches great importance to the cultivation of talents in drama, film and television arts, and has hired many experts and professors from home and abroad to build an integrated teaching model, creating a good artistic practice environment for students. The school adheres to the path of artistic innovation, gives full play to the advantages of the integration of arts and sciences, and has provided a large number of creative and innovative talents for the cultue, tourism and performing arts industry, helping the industry to develop with high quality. The "GAFA AURA" light show is the outstanding result of the students of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in the integration and innovation of arts and sciences, showing solid foundation, superb skills and innovative spirit, and also the result of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts' response to the challenges of the new era and the cultivation of high-level compound talents.

本次光影秀以“GAFA AURA”为主题,包含《宇宙回响》《天工开物》《光韵未来》三大篇章,观众在光影交错中领略艺术灵韵的无穷魅力。

The light show is themed "GAFA AURA" and includes three chapters: "Cosmic Echoes ", "The Exploitation of the Works of Nature" and "The Future of Light". The audience can appreciate the infinite charm of artistic spirit in the interweaving of light and shadow.


The chapter "Cosmic Echoes" is like a visual epic that travels through time and space, with light and shadow outlining a magnificent picture of the evolution of human civilization. The audience seems to have personally witnessed the passage of time, with every beam of light and every shadow telling a moving story and precious memories.


The chapter of "The Exploitation of the Works of Nature" brilliantly displays the harmonious dance between technology and art. Modern technology has given new vitality to traditional art, and every bloom of light and shadow is a brilliant spark bursting out from the collision of the two, giving people infinite shock and imagination.


The chapter "The Future of Light" inspires people to reflect on the multiple meanings of art in modern society. The boundaries between virtuality and reality are broken and reconstructed, and light and shadow are flexibly transformed between the two, making the audience immersive and intoxicated. The artist conveys his vision and expectation for future life through light and shadow, showing that art is the eternal pursuit of mankind.


The entire light show has a grand scene, profound connotation, and visual shock, bringing the audience a wonderful immersive experience and witnessing the extraordinary creativity and ingenuity of the students of Guangdong University of Fine Arts.


GAFA AURA”光影秀不仅是一场视觉之旅,更是一场美学思想的洗礼。它独特而巧妙地将历史、人文、科技、未来等元素融为一体,塑造了一个迷人绚丽的艺术世界,展现了广美学子们在艺术创作上的卓越成就,更折射出他们对社会、生活和未来的深邃思考与美好期许。

The "GAFA AURA" light show is not only a visual journey, but also a baptism of aesthetic thought. It uniquely and skillfully integrates elements of history, humanities, technology, and the future, creating a charming and gorgeous art world, showing the outstanding achievements of Guangdong University of Fine Arts students in artistic creation, and reflecting their profound thinking and beautiful expectations for society, life, and the future.


After years of unremitting efforts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts has become an important base for cultivating drama, film and television art talents in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and has provided a large number of outstanding talents for the film and television culture industry. They are active in the film and television, new media art, culture, tourism and other industries, contributing innovative youth power to the art industry in the Bay Area. In the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts will keep pace with the times, actively contribute the wisdom of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts to the high-quality development of the cultural and art industry.

Copyright @ GAFA
广州市番禺区广州大学城外环西路168号 广州美术学院行政楼609
Room 609, Administration Building, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,  
No. 168, Waihuan West Road, Guangzhou University Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou