About GAFA


学校聚焦国家重大战略,与区域发展深度融合,以“艺科融合、科教融合、产教融合”为主线,主动服务区域经济文化建设,近年承担来自政府、企事业单位的600 余项委托创作设计项目,推出了包括深圳城雕《开荒牛》、珠海城雕《珠海渔女》、长沙橘子洲《青年毛泽东雕像》等具有高度社会影响力的公共艺术作品;先后承担香港、澳门两地回归的广东省政府礼品设计,人民大会堂广东厅,中国人民解放军海军博物馆,日本世博会中国馆,上海世博会主题馆及山西馆,海上丝路博物馆,中国陶瓷琉璃馆,长江文明馆等设计工程;设计2022年北京冬奥会吉祥物“冰墩墩”、广州城市LOGO等。这些成果为国家、区域的文化传播及产业转型升级提供了强有力的支撑。

With a focus on major national strategies, GAFA is profoundly involved in regional development. Following the principle of “integrating of art with science, science with education, and industry with education”, it proactively serves regional economic and cultural development. In recent years, GAFA has undertaken more than 600 creation and design projects from governments,enterprises and public institutions, creating a great number of impressive artworks, including Shenzhen’s city sculpture Pioneering Bull, Zhuhai’s city sculpture Zhuhai Fisherwoman, the statue of Mao Zedong in Youth on the Orange Island in Changsha,  the design of Guangdong Provincial Government’s gifts in the commemoration of Hong Kong and Macao’s return to the motherland, the design and engineering of the Guangdong Hall of the Great Hall of the People, the PLA Naval Museum, China Pavilion of World Expo in Japan, as well as the Urbanian Pavilion and Shanxi Pavilion of World Expo Shanghai,Maritime Silk Road Museum, China Ceramics and Glass Museum, the Changjiang Civilization Museum, etc.; and the design of Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games, and city logo of Guangzhou. All these efforts have rendered strong support for cultural communication and industrial transformation and upgrading of the region and beyond.

Research Platform



with a focus on the academic forefront, GAFA gathers superior resources and high-level talents, and vigorously promotes platform construction centering on talent cultivation and scientific research. In recent years, it has successively established national platforms such as the “National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Design Skills Education” and “Guangdong Modern Advertising Creative Center”, and 16 provincial research platforms including Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory, Guangdong provincial key research bases of humanities and social sciences in universities, Guangdong provincial social sciences research bases, Guangdong provincial intangible cultural heritage research base, Guangdong Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center, a cooperation and innovation platform between Guangdong universities and their international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan counterparts, and excellent Chinese traditional cultural heritage. These efforts have given full play to the cooperation of governments, industries, universities and research institutes, comprehensively improved the independent innovation capacity of the Academy,and provided effective support for regional social economy and culture.

Academic Research and Artistic Creatio



GAFA faculty members have won hundreds of awards on academic research and artistic creation at provincial level or above, including Lifetime Achievement Award, Creation Award and Theoretical Review Award of China Fine Arts Awards, Gold, Silver and Bronze Award of National Exhibition of Fine Arts, Meritorious Personage Gold Award of China Design Contribution Award, Chinese Calligraphy Lanting Award, Outstanding Achievement Award of Academic Research in Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Guangdong Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, Lu Xun Literary and Arts Award (Art) of Guangdong Province. Many of their works have been included in major national themed art creation Project or government projects, such as Art Creation Project of Ancient Chinese Civilization, Art Creation Project in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Communist Party of China, Major National Theme Art Creation Project on Communist Party of China and the Great Rejuvenation of the Nation, etc. They have received grants for their researches and creation efforts from various high-level national research programs, including National Social Science Fund (major and key projects), National Science and Technology Support Program, and the New Century Talent Support Program.

Talent trainin


学校坚持社会主义办学方向,坚持以立德树人为根本任务,积极深化教育教学改革,不断提高教育教学质量。近三届教学成果奖评审中,获广东省特等奖1项、一等奖4项、二等奖3项。2021年我校《寓德于艺 美美与共——新时期大美育视角下原生创意美术人才培养模式研究与实践》获得广东省教学成果奖特等奖。近年来,学校学生在各类重要赛事与活动中取得优异成绩,如第十二届全国美展铜奖、第四届全国青年美展优秀奖、中国百家金陵画展(中国画)金奖、中国百家金陵画展(油画)金奖、中国首届插图艺术展最佳作品奖、中国人居环境设计学年奖、亚洲设计学年奖、CIDA中国室内设计大奖(学院奖)、国际知名的德国红点奖、iF设计奖、博朗设计奖、美国IDEA奖、SPAPK奖、中国创新设计红星奖、教育部全国大学生工业设计大赛金奖等,获各类重量级美术与设计大奖100多项。2016年学校获评“第三批广东省大学生创新创业教育示范学校”。近年来,学校毕业生初次就业率保持在94%以上,总体就业率位居全省前列,本科毕业生薪酬连续五年位列中国高校排行榜前100强,美术类高校前3强。

GAFA has been proactively deepening reforms in education and teaching to improve their quality following the guiding principle of “adhering to socialist education and nurturing talents with morality”. In the evaluation of the last three sessions of Teaching Achievement Award, GAFA was awarded one special prize, four first prizes and three second prizes by Guangdong Provincial Government. In 2021, it was awarded the special prize of Guangdong Provincial Teaching Achievement Award for “Integrating Morality with Art for Grand Beauty -- Research and Practice of Original and Creative Art Talent Training Mode from the Perspective of Great Aesthetic Education in the New Era”. In recent years, GAFA students have achieved outstanding results in various important competitions and events. They have won more than 100 important art/design prizes, including Bronze Award of the 12th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, Excellence Award of the 4th National Youth Art Exhibition, Gold Awards of Art Exhibition (Chinese Painting) in Nanjing China, Art Exhibition (Oil Painting) in Nanjing China, Best Works Award of China First Illustration Art Exhibition, China Habitat Environment Award, Asian Design Award, CIDA China Interior Design Award (Academy Award), and many internationally recognized awards including Red Dot Award, iF Design Award, Braun Design Award, IDEA Award of the United States, SPAPK Award, China Red Star Design Award, Gold Award of China Universities Industrial Design Competition (CUIDC) of the Ministry of Education. In 2016, GAFA was recognized as one of the third batch of Demonstrative Education Institutions for University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Guangdong Province. In recent years, the initial employment rate of GAFA graduates has remained above 94%, ranking high among universities in the province. Its average undergraduate salary has been ranking among top 100 in China, or top three among fine arts colleges, for five consecutive years.




GAFA benefited greatly from a highly accomplished faculty in its nearly 70 years of development. Many renowned artists of epoch-making significance in art history once taught here, including Hu Yichuan, Yang Qiuren, Yang Taiyang, Guan Shanyue, Li Xiongcai, Wang Zhaomin, Gao Yongjian, Chi Ke, Chen Shaofeng, Yang Zhiguang, Pan He, Zheng Canxia, Liu Qimin, Chen Xiaonan, Chen Tiegen, Zhang Xinrang and others. Today, GAFA again gathers a number of well-established faculty members who have taught here for years, such as Guo Shaogang, Chen Jinzhang, Liang Shixiong, Yin Guoliang, Zheng Shuang, Liang Mingcheng, Zhang Zhi’an, Yin Dingbang, Pan Xingjian, Wang Ren, Wang Shouzhi, Yang Yao, Li Ming, Zhao Jian, Quan Sen, Wu Weiguang, Fang Chuxiong, Guo Runwen, Tong Huiming, Li Jinkun, Huang Qiming, Lin Lan, Fan Bo, Cai Yonghua, etc. GAFA currently has 974 faculty and staff members, including 558 full-time teachers. Among them, 72 hold senior professional titles and 181, associate senior professional titles. It brings together an outstanding collection of talents and teams, including National Huang Danian-style University Faculty Team, vice-chairman of China Artists Association, chairman and vice chairman of Guangdong Artists Association, members of the Discipline Appraisal Group of Academic Degrees Committee under the State Council, experts entitled to special government subsidies from the State Council, deputy director of the Teaching Steering Committee under the Ministry of Education, board members of China Artists Association and directors and deputy directors of its arts committees, as well as board members of various specialized art and design associations in China.

Disciplinesand Major



Three disciplines (Fine Arts, Design, Theories of Art Studies) of GAFA were selected as Key Disciplines under the Provincial Discipline Improvement Program, of which two first-level disciplines (Fine Arts, Design) were rated A and Theories of Art Studies was rated B in an evaluation held upon expiry of the discipline construction period (2018-2020). In the fourth round of the national discipline evaluation organized by the Ministry of Education in 2017, two first-level disciplines of GAFA, i.e. Fine Arts and Design, were rated B+ and the discipline of Theories of Art Studies was rated B, topping the province in said disciplines and ranking high among its peers nationwide.


In recent years, GAFA proactively responded to the needs of national and regional socioeconomic development and pursued knowledge innovation, S&T progress and discipline development. In view of its positioning and actual conditions, GAFA has worked to further promote the integration of disciplines and majors, constantly optimize the mechanism for discipline construction and improve talent training quality. Now it offers 29 pathways in 28 majors, including Fine Arts, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Calligraphy, Chinese Painting, Experimental Art, Art Design, Visual Communication Design, Environmental Design, Product Design, Clothing and Apparel Design, Public Art, Arts and Crafts, Digital Media Art, Art and Technology, Ceramic Art Design, Design for Theatre, Film and Television, Animation, Film and Television Photography and Production, Art Education, Clothing Design and Engineering, Industrial Design, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Art Management, Cultural Relics Conservation and Restoration, and Package Design. Among them, twelve undergraduate majors (Animation, Industrial Design, Arts and Crafts, Fine Arts, Experimental Art, Calligraphy, Chinese Painting, Painting, Sculpture, Visual Communication Design, Environmental Design, and Product Design) were recognized as National First-class Majors and another six majors (Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Photography, Clothing and Apparel Design, Digital Media Art, Art and Technology), Provincial First-class Majors under the country’s “Double Ten Thousand Plan”, an initiative launched by the Ministry of Education to develop the first-class undergraduate majors and revitalize the undergraduate education in China. Other highlight majors include:

- One major as national Pilot for Comprehensive Syllabus Reform;
- Four national and eight Provincial Characteristic majors;
- Two Provincial Key Majors;
- Six provincial discipline reform pilot projects; and
- Two Provincial Demonstrative Majors for Practice-oriented Talent Training.

For undergraduate majors, GAFA has gradually developed a new pattern that emphasizes the demand of the society, first-class majors, multidisciplinary integration and dynamic adjustment.




With Changgang Campus, University Town Campus and Foshan Campus (under construction), GAFA currently has 12 schools and one affiliated secondary art school, which enroll a total of 6,158 undergraduates and 1,124 graduates, among whom, 14 are international students.

International Exchange



GAFA has forged close ties with more than 50 fine arts colleges from countries and regions around the globe, including the Great Britain, France, Russia, Canada, the United States, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan of China. Its sister universities include the Glasgow School of Art, I.E. Repin St.-Petersburg State Academic Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, V.I. Surikov Moscow State Academic Art Institute, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp of Belgium, Zurich University of the Arts, L’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs - Paris, University of Toronto, Chiba University, Tokyo University of the Arts, National Taipei University of the Arts. It has been a common practice for GAFA to arrange excellent teachers and students to study, exchange or conduct academic researches in other countries or regions, set up exchange programs and cooperative training programs with overseas sister universities, launch international workshops and lectures, high-level art and design exhibitions, and high-level international academic seminars, and invite renowned overseas experts and scholars to hold lectures and academic conferences. GAFA also vigorously promotes education for international students, advances cooperation in running schools with high-level international universities in an orderly fashion, actively expands the opening of higher education to the outside world to enhance the internationalization of its education programs. Based on its academic and disciplinary advantages, GAFA plays an active role in the cultural exchange programs between China an other countries. By presenting its academic research achievements and the excellent works of its faculty members and students to the outside world, GAFA is dedicated to telling China story well and having the country’s voice heard.

(Updatedin December 2021)



The predecessor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA) was Central South College of Fine Arts, a fine arts school established in Wuhan, Hubei Province in 1953 in response to the then national higher education plan. It represented the merger of the Central South Institute of Art and Literature in Wuhan, South China Institute of Art and Literature in Guangzhou and Guangxi Institute of Art. The first president of the College was Hu Yichuan, a famous revolutionary artist who participated in the renowned Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium in 1942, and the first vice presidents were famous oil painter Yang Qiuren, and famous painters of Chinese painting Guan Shanyue and Yang Taiyang.


In 1958, the College was moved from Wuhan to Guangzhou and renamed Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA). In 1981, GAFA became one of the country’s first institutions authorized to confer master’s degrees; in 1987, it began to recruit international students and students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. In 2005, it was approved as one of the first pilots in China to launch Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program. In 2021, it was authorized by the State Council Academic Degrees Committee to confer doctor’s degrees in two first-level disciplines (Fine Arts, Design). Currently GAFA is also authorized to confer master’s degree in three first-level disciplines (Theories of Art Studies, Fine Arts, Design) and four majors (Art, Landscape Architecture, Cultural Heritage and Museology, Education).


GAFA adheres to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in its education undertaking, and implements CPC’s education policies in fulfilling the fundamental task of nurturing talents with morality. Upholding the education philosophy of “being upright and innovative with an open and inclusive mindset, an insight into the reality and an aspiration for serving the society”, GAFA has developed its own educational characteristics following over six decades of evolution. Specifically, it focuses on developing students’ innovative ability in fine arts and design to meet the needs of the era and the society, and, based on the theories of art studies and humanistic education, promotes multidisciplinary integration, enables interaction between professional practices, education and research, and actively serves the social and economic development. The motto of GAFA is thus established as “learn morality before art”.


In the new era, GAFA is determined to develop high-caliber talents and boost academic research and artistic creation at a higher starting point through new initiatives. To make this happen, it will leverage the strengths of Guangdong Province as the pioneer, pilot and experimental field of the reform and opening up policy and those of the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) in historical, geographical, economic, cultural and intellectual resources. In this way, GAFA will better serve the social development in the new era, play an active role in implementing the national strategies like GBA development, and work towards a more promising future as driven by the country’s Belt and Road” initiative.

Copyright @ GAFA
广州市番禺区广州大学城外环西路168号 广州美术学院行政楼609
Room 609, Administration Building, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,  
No. 168, Waihuan West Road, Guangzhou University Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou