

Education Center of National Condition



Education Center of National Conditions: The Center is a teaching division that offers national conditions education courses for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students. Aiming to help students establish a correct concept based on a comprehensive, historical, and true understanding of China’s national conditions, the national conditions education curriculum highlights the core significance of patriotism education, in addition to comprehensive practice courses including safety education, prevention of drug crimes, and life education to help students establish correct values, identify illegal and criminal activities and prevent fraud.

Foreign Students Offic



International Students Office: GAFA has established exchanges and cooperation with more than 60 art schools from nearly 30 countries and regions, such as University College London, Bari Academy of Fine Arts, Italy, École Supérieure d’Art d’Avignon, France, Chiba University, Japan, Suncheon University, Korea, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and various exchanges and cooperation activities have been carried out in the form of student exchange, faculty exchange, exhibition exchange, special scholarship, workshop, seminar and so on.

Affairs Office of Hong Kon




Affairs Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan: Since its establishment in 2005, the Office has been earnestly implementing the central government’s working policies on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan at all levels, and achieved certain successful outcomes, playing a positive role in promoting GAFA’s exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions and China’s peaceful reunification.

Facilitated by the Office, GAFA has carried out various forms of exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, including mutual visits, exhibitions, seminars, etc. Since 2006, GAFA has received nearly 600 visitors from the University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong College of Technology, Hong Kong Shatin Education Exchange Group, Hong Kong Arts Development Council Art Study Group, Taiwan Outstanding Youth Group, etc.; sent visiting scholars to Taiwan University, Macao Polytechnic University and other renowned universities; signed academic cooperation agreements with the Hong Kong Institute of Education, etc.


2009年11月,我校郭祖昌、陈子君、李飒三位教师受邀赴台参加《——2009大陆当代艺术展》及艺术采风活动。2009年9月,我校林蓝老师受邀赴台参加高雄市两岸世纪发展协会举办的一系列座谈会。2007年11月,《两岸三地岭南画派作品邀请展》在我校举办,全国知名的美术史论家、学者汇聚一堂,参加 “岭南画派与20世纪中国美术”学术研讨会,所有的学术成果被收录于《“岭南画派与20世纪中国美术”研究文集》。

In May 2010, GAFA’s famous artists, including Fang Chuxiong, Li Jinkun, and Chen Yongqiang attended the “Joint Exhibition of Contemporary Lingnan School Artists” held by Hon Wing Book Co. Ltd., and the organizer also donated 3,500 art books to GAFA. In February 2010, Qin Dali and other faculty members from the Department of Decorative Arts, School of Design, GAFA were invited to the “2010 Exhibition on Creative Fiber”, which was successfully held by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In October 2010 and September 2009, faculty members Li Gongming and Li Xingyuan from the Department of Art History were invited to Taiwan University as visiting scholars, where they collected materials of Chinese and Western art history and published research reports.

In November 2009, three GAFA faculty members Guo Zuchang, Chen Zijun and Li Sa were invited to “Mountains and Water -- 2009 Chinese Mainland Contemporary Art Exhibition” and other art activities in Taiwan. In September 2009, another faculty member Lin Lan was invited to a series of symposia held by Cross-strait Century Development Association of Kaohsiung, Taiwan region. In November 2007, the “Invitational Exhibition of Lingnan School Artists from Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Regions” was held at GAFA. Famous art historians and scholars gathered at the academic seminar on “Lingnan School of Painting and Chinese Art in the 20th Century”. All academic outputs of the seminar were included in the Proceedings of “Lingnan School of Painting and Chinese Art in the 20th Century”.

Copyright @ GAFA
广州市番禺区广州大学城外环西路168号 广州美术学院行政楼609
Room 609, Administration Building, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,  
No. 168, Waihuan West Road, Guangzhou University Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou